Monday 25 February 2013

Ear lobe ring chain

By; Aviwe Ndyaluvane

So, this semester I am rocking an ear-ring chain and everywhere I go people ask me where I bought it, and some even requesting I blog about it.

Well, I bought this ring in a Goth shop while I was In America. The great news is the shop where bought this ring at has a website that obviously people can access at any part of the world. However, yes there is a big fat BUT, it does not do shipping- meaning you can only view their website, decide which chain you like but you can't GET own. I know what you're thinking I'm such a BITCH!
Well, again there is a but... I am NOT, because bitches don't help other people out... plus i am too cute to be one *winx*

Well, I found a link online that shows how you can make your own. YES MAKE YOUR OWN AT HOME AND IT WILL LOOK AS GREAT AS MINE ;). So here's the youtube link that I found online...
How to fake an ear ring chain

Do leave your comments I want to hear what you guys think:-)

Also follow me on instagram at @Aviwe_Ndyaluvane or twitter @Aviwe_N