Monday 4 June 2012

By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane


We all woke to the news today that Bonang Matheba's boyfriend Euphonik had hit her. The news where first revealed to our attention by headlines from Sunday World and Sunday Sun. Apparently, Euphonik had allegedly slapped and kicked Bonang after they had an argument. Bonang has however, filed charges of Domestic abuse against her now 'ex-boyfriend'.

To some of us this was expected, Euphonik has snapped at Bonang on twitter on numerous times before. To begin with, Euphonik was snapped at Bonang on twitter demanding that she picks up her "Fuck*n Phone!". Secondly, there is this other time when Bonang appeared on Motswako talking about lingerie and how she sometimes surprises her man in the bedroom with sexy numbers. Euphonik later tweeted her, kinda asking why she lied on Motswako- Bonang received a lot of tweets from people laughing at her after Euphonik sent her that tweet.

After all this though, Bonang stuck by her man and continued speaking highly of him. She was even featured on Drum magazine last year where she went on about her love for him.

Bonang seems to be dating men who can not be silent about their relationships problems . Take Slikour for example who dumped her on facebook.

I personally, do not know what transpired between the two (Bonang and Euphonik), however I do not condone women abuse- I do not care whatever the woman did to upset the man. There is never a valid excuse for hitting a woman. Let's just hope that Bonang and Euphonik won't pull a Rihanna and Chris Brown act on us. 

The full story according to Sunday World and Just Curious


Yes, Nonhle Thema is pregnant! Nonhle has been tweeting about her pregnancy ever since her doctor disclosed the news to her "YES I'm pregnant.........TELL the WORLD who gives a fuck". She was been tweeting about how her baby is privileged that she is her/his mother. Nonhle even boasted about her pregnancy being bigger than Beyonce's i.e. she tweeted "My baby is gonna knock Blue Ivy out the way.......I was Born a Star my baby is gonna be BIGGER......I PRAY she looks like my gran IVY SHANGE". If you were thinking of buying a magazine and read about her exclusive interviews, well-you have another thing coming...she tweeted again...
"ok i gotta say im TIRED of the same MEDIA peeps dissing me and then turning around BEGGIING me for an exclusive Interview.I WILL NOT give U"

  1.  I wanna move in a NEW home for my I'm selling my old property.......
  2. one thing YOU all must understand..YOU WIL NOT SEE pics of my baby for FREE in NO media outlet...ha ha ha u must think im stupid....
  3. email for Baby Pics at a PRICE.........
  4. This Baby is gonna be the one....Forget Blue Ivy...........My baby is a STAR

This are just some of her tweets, her tweets are endless hey...follow her @Smurfette if you can tolerate her arrogance. She even brags about it too i.e. "i love my life.with my Arrogance imma go make a cheese toasted snack.......cos i can....arrogance and Bitch vibes only belong to ME..Thank U"

Now the big question is who is the father...

I mean after hearing Morale's song about Nonhle "hoey ghost"- we can't help but ask the question.

It could be her Lil Wayne look-alike boyfriend...

or perhaps one of her one night stands with Mzanzi's hip hop artists...

(she was slept with all three-she had a three some this New's day with Da Les and Lagosh from Madluphuthu)
or it could be Bafana Bafana's coach Pitso- who we have been hearing rumours about him and Nonhle having had a one night stand together...Who knows-only time will tell.

You're welcome to comment on the blog or follow me on twitter @Aviwe_N


  1. hayi u Nonhle uyaztanda izinto marn, etsho nge bf emdaka apa 'fake lil wayne' u'd swear she jus picked him out of a garbage tin... i bet she doesn't even knw wu hr baby daddy's father is

  2. is nasty and fake looking indeed!! she says she wont do any interviews with the media-i guess she still needs to know who her baby daddy is!

  3. we are not intrested in her life can she please keep her private life pricate

  4. i dont like Nontle....

  5. aii wil c onc de bby z born
