Saturday 29 September 2012

My visit to the Mississippi River

Quick Random post
By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane

So, on Monday this week I planned to study the whole day after my Comm241 (news reporting and writing) lecture with my mate Unathi Bonga. I'm sure you guys already know where this is heading... yes, we were so lazy we couldn't even lift a book. We kept on checking Facebook and promising to study after 20minutes-and when that 20minutes came we would add another 20minutes to that. Therefore, we practically ended up doing nothing.

We were later rejuvenated when Saerina Chung suggested we go out and get some fresh air at Mississippi River. Pleasantly she knew a short cut to Mississippi and a spot that would be close to the river. Understand; St Cloud State University is so cautious about their students safety and they have tall ass metal bars (walls) that prevent us from get any close to Mississippi River. But as you know, students always find a way...
On our way to 'gate trashing' Mississippi River we phoned three of our friends to join us, Candice Jewell, Seoyung Kim Lucy and Lesly-Ann Jacobs. Because you know what they say, the more the merrier...
This sounds like fun, but getting to Mississippi River was a hassle. We had to glade through a slippery down hill passage. With one wrong move in that passage you would roll down the hill and splash deep inside the river.

If you look close at this photo you can see that this is a drainage pipe passage. So, imagine if there was something being drained while we were still there trying to find balance? Getting past that drainage passage was peanuts, after that we had to walk on a more slippery passage filled with wet tree leaves...
Yeah...the things we do for fun and experience...we made it through though =D

No one knew what was awaiting us, except for Saerina of course...but when you got there...all of this was worth it. Mississippi River is beautiful and refreshing!
We all just went to quiet mode and absorbed everything before us...and simultaneously just set down like we were ordered by some one in authority to do so.
 After experiencing our 'AHA moment' our girl instincts manifested...and it was picture time; and disagreeing with who should take with the photos. We finally came to an agreement that after taking a photo you hand the camera to whoever was in the photo you just took.
This doesn't sound like a great plan as you will see in this photos that some appear in every photo while some 'poor victims' don't.

This is Lucy and me
Searina and Me

Candice finding her balance down the passage.

Candice, Sarina and Me
Lesly coming down the slippery passage

you should know us by now...
Lesly, Candice and Me
While busy taking photos we saw these guys rowing you thought Lesley was the 'poor victim'...well she took pictures two-just so you know

We can act crazy seems =D

Yeah..there I am again-in a picture this time ;)

This one was supposed to be a show stopper...but it's so dark...Bummer!! *slaps forehead* These people are sabotaging me...

As you can see, I can play that game two... #Sabotage

Man! I look horrible again on this one...but at least I'm not the only one hey

We had a 'fantabulous' time hey, but even good things come to an end too...
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