Saturday 22 September 2012

The Brain behind MyThoughtsAdventures
By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane

This week’s blog of ‘The brain behind MyThoughtsAdventures’ was inspired by the questions that #AviweDarlings ask me on twitter. That is, I have dedicated this feature on answering those questions as honestly and personally as I can (meaning don’t expect any formal writing). However, I have selected only 12 questions-not favourably because 12 is my favourite number, but I have selected the most frequently asked questions. Nonetheless, by this time my Darlings should know who I am. Therefore, the ‘tell us about yourself’ question is excluded this time-if you still don’t know who I am… GOOGLE MY ASS!
1. What colour best describes you?
*scratches head, sits next to a mirror and imagines a rainbow* Red (not necessarily my favourite colour) but because I’m a loving, caring and very affectionate i.e. my friends are victims of my rib-cracking hugs. Secondly, as the old cliché goes ‘red means danger’- I am a very determined, ambitious and self-disciplined babe. I don’t necessarily need a shrink to encourage me to believe in myself and follow my dreams; however I do appreciate a support system to turn too every now and then. If there’s one thing my family can tell you about me as a ‘red coloured
person’ is that I’m very impatient.


2. What was your favourite subject in high school?
That’s an easy one! It’s all in Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection… any subject I excel in, instantly becomes my favourite. *blinks twice and flashes glittery eyes* I had the privilege of being taught by a very passionate geography Teacher, who was hard to please at the same time. Likewise, having her husband as the school’s HOD was intimidating and daunting to say the least. Therefore, for her to choose me (in front of my classmates to be one of the Top8 Student Geography Teachers was simply ‘honorary’- and hey I got to roll with the Top Dogs (students with stripped blazers). Secondly, Life Orientation was just like my very own Walt Disney’s ‘Happily Ever After.’ We didn’t have a consistent L.O teacher in Grade10-meaning free periods every now and then. However, things changed in Grade11 as a new L.O teacher was appointed-but even after that I managed to scoop a medal and first position in L.O. Similarly, with my matric results, my name was smoking a cigar like a PIMP with 2 babes booty hopping on either sides i.e. a Bachelors symbol on one side and a bracket for L.O on the other.


3. What are your worst make-up don’ts?

People who shave their entire eye-brows and ‘rewrite’ them with a liquid eye-liner. Secondly, people who are too dramatic with hairstyles-either too bright-cheap coloured weaves/braids or out of this world hairstyles. Lastly, people who wear either too light or too dark foundation-it’s not pretty either way…

4. What is your fashion philosophy?

Well, every Aviwe’s Darling who reads my ‘fashion101’ or ‘fashion police’ blogs knows that I stress comfortability over simply following trends. You need to know what best suits you through understanding and accepting your unique body shape.

5. What did you want to be growing up

Throughout secondary school I was hella determined to be the First Black Female President. I am from Transkei- one of the poorest places in the Eastern Cape in all aspects e.g. education, health care, infrastructure, roads and justice systems. Furthermore, this aspiration was propelled by disappointing presidents i.e. both Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki are from the Transkei (quite frank Nelson Mandela’s grandson is my Tribe’s King) but both failed to improve their own province! I mean it’s the President’s duty to ensure economic development for his country, especially under developed province(s), especially the one which you have personally endured its hardships. However, one can argue that with so much on the President’s plate (especially Nelson Mandela’s) there’s hardly ever a time to monitor ministers, hence Nosimo Bhalindlela was suspended as the Eastern Cape’s minister after discoveries of mismanagement of funds. I suppose that’s why I ran for cover at the science department in high school….the ‘politics’ in politics! Hectic!
6. What do you look for in a guy?

Like any other girl I do have my own ‘little check-list’. So, after getting a tick for good looks, fashion sense and physique-you better have self-confidence. Nothing turns me off more than a guy who is insure-who is either jealous of my male buddies that I have met way before him or having a guy that i need to have tea with under a tree everytime we go out just to tell him how great he is…

7. How did you become NMMU’s exchange student?

I get this one every time both on facebook and twitter. However, this has a simple answer that sounds cliché but I am where I am through hard work and determination. I obtained 7 distinctions in my first year (freshman year) - 2 in June and 5 in December. Every big achievement is accomplished through baby steps and perseverance.

8. What philosophy/motto do you live by?

I have had the same motto since primary school which happens to be my primary school’s motto; “Preserver and Excel.” I have recently adopted a new one through a conversation I had with a friend from the Eastern Cape;  “we dream too big not to achieve.”

9. what do you do during your spare time?

My spare time happens to be the time I use to write blogs or do research for a blog. I do believe in the saying ‘a time well spent, reaps greater rewards.’ This all makes me sound like a ‘no game person’, however I love the beach a lot and my friends tease me a lot about that, because I am from a small inland town (Umtata).

10. what do you look forward to when you wake-up in the morning?

Honestly, for the day to end…I have a lot of school work load here. I can’t wait for the long December holidays.

11. who is your role-model?

I am an outspoken feminist. Therefore, I am greatly inspired by women who take on male-dominated roles and excel in them e.g. our first black female Deputy President (Mlambo Ngcuka), Nkosazana Zuma who is the first female United Nations Commissioner and South Africa’s Cosmopolitan Editor Sbu Mpungose. Most importantly, my mother for instilling great values upon me and my little sister.
12. What is the one thing you love doing?

Taking pictures, I never get tired of that...
you are welcome to leave comments on this page or follow @AviwesDarlings on twitter...


  1. what!!! Nelson mandela's grandson is yr king!!! fuck shit-we need to talk bitch!!!

  2. Charles Darwin not Darmin

  3. Oh and you did not coin the abbreviation "BWE"...It was coined by a British American writer in 2007 I think ,who believed in empowering black african american women to believ that they are more than what society dished out for them...And yes...It's an abbreviation, not an acronym simply because you have to be able to sound it out as word in order to call it an acronym...Otherwise it's an overall fairly good blog...It was worth checking out

  4. for the first one, it's a silly misprint i made-i updated my Darmin to Darwin....and thank u for informing me, i appreciate it. however i actually came up with the term from a conversation i had with my friends, it's a simple coincidence that the British came up with it. but thanx for not being a 'yes man' and educating me instead of praising me
