Wednesday 12 September 2012

My American Experience

By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane


So, I was invited over to a friend's party yesterday. Her name is Asma( first girl from the left with a scarf), from Pakistan and she turned 23 yesterday. Asma invited us over to a Pakistan dinner (can't remember the name) to celebrate her birthday. I will be honest, I was quite sceptical about trying new food from another culture, especially Pakistan food. However, after tasting my dish I was hooked- it was quite good, much better than what i anticipated. I thought it was going to be spicy food; that would make my eyes cry and choke me to death with its spicy aroma. I ordered a 'jumbo platter': it had lamb stew, chicken stew, salad and spiced rice. I know what you are thinking-how can all of that fit in together? Well it does, and it tastes great....

Here are some pictures that we took together:
Ah, i look so cute in this one =D

Chilling with the birthday girl. I don't know how she managed to smiled with everyone in each the end of the party-my cheek muscles were hurting....
Oh maybe she did not exactly smile in every photo then =D

Try to spot me in this one....yes I am the crazy one at the back and the statue of Liberty...

Why am I smiling so hard in this pic...weirdo!!!

Now that's a normal smile ;)

lol, love this crazy pic hey

I am actually kneeling on this pic and everyone is balancing on me!....things I do for being included in photos

Here's a silly note i wrote her, don't judge I bought her a gift too with Unathi...but I won't tell what is was...

So, what I learnt at the end of the night is/was we shouldn't think we know people based on stereotypes we have heard...I mean I was reluctant to go, but I am glad i did or how else would I have known that I am a great Pakistan food lover =D

Anyway, here's my Part 1 of 'my american experience'




  1. Love your blog . It makes me feel as if I also part of the fun . The pictures make it the most intreasting but the way you write is also so gripping , you will make a good author one day .
    Thobeka (midrand age 27)

  2. Thank you soooo much for the kind words (hugs)

  3. first time reading your blog and gal im sooooooooooooooooo in loooooooooooveeeee with it great work.... im inspired
