Monday 15 October 2012


By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane

As you tell from the photo and description of the post this is just to tell you guys how to get hold of me except from here and nothing much from that =D.

Following me on twitter for one is 'getting hold of me' and I promise I do follow people back. I don't regard myself to be all high and mighty. I appreciate that people read my blog and follow me, hence I reply to blog comments and follow back people.
Likewise, you're welcome to add me as a friend on facebook. My friends' limit is near to being closed though, however you are welcome to like my page-it is connected to my facebook account. The page is Aviwe Av Ndyaluvane as well ;)

Yep, I am also on google; my name reviews range from my Facebook, twitter, MyThoughtsAdventures, my google plus account, soundcloud, flicker, myspace and pretty much every other think out there =D

And this is where you are now, but I have a separate twitter handle for my blog called @AviwesDarlings.

SURPRISE>>>>I also have a youtube account and you can follow me at this link

Well I have given you guys pretty much yeah....don't tell me I'm hard to find ever again.
 Oh just so you know, I am heading back to South Africa on 23rd December....yeahhhh
Now go tell everyone that I'm coming HOME SOON...2 more months baby

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