Friday 15 June 2012

News round up
By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane

Kim Kardiashian's naked behind on the net again

With just two days after I blogged about Kanye West joining Kim Kardashian's Season7 of her reality show 'Keeping up with the Kardashians', the Kardashian bug has already bitten Kanye West. A naked photo of Kim was uploaded on the net via Kanye West's twitter account. Guess what Kanye had to say...Oh it wasn't me, someone hacked into my account and uploaded it. Come on... really? Kim was also 'amazed' by the photo and this is what she too had to say...Apparently there is a picture of my behind surfacing on twitter- I don't know what that is all about. These people just love attention hey. Like I said if you watch Kim's reality show don't be surprised when they are filmed together having sex.

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