Saturday 2 June 2012

By:Ndyaluvane Aviwe

I have been accepted to be an EXCHANGE STUDENT at the STATE UNIVERSITY OF ST. CLOUD in America for second semester!

I aim to seize the moment *in JayZ's voice* Geez, I can't even type because of my shaking hands-how do I expect to seize the moment there =D

And here's my passport, it doesn't look so great hey...Home Affairs always does that even to great looking people so don't feel bad ;) Anyway I will be using it this August. Orientations begin on the 21Aug (Tuesday) and school opens on the following Monday. Have no fear I will not be arrested for drug possession in my hair...

These are just some images of St. Cloud University.

I keep thinking about stuff as I blog so bear with me. Anyway I have received full scholarship-that is I don't have to pay intuituion and accommodation. Also they will contribute R9500 towards the flight. Therefore, what's left is textbooks, the visa, groceries and the flight-which I will pay for.So yeah this is a spectacular experience indeed!

Well people keep asking about my academic record- I obtained six distinctions last year (5 in Dec and 1 in June). Likewise, they require a solid academic record.So yes, be prepared for sleepless nights and hardwork.

This is me waiting for my DPs this June (this Friday to be exact)- I was the first one, literally. My lecturers found there waiting for them.

So my motives are:
  1. To acquire as much practical knowledge as I can with regards to my degree-Media studies
  2. To find a job-it's good for my CV
  3. Hook up with a good 'hood' Black American Boyfriend
  4. and i will add some as I think about them- oh and buy some fake Pradda and gucci u name it-so I can look fly when i get back home again (this our secret don't spread it)

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