Monday 18 June 2012

All things Avalanche
By: Aviwe Ndyaluvane
This week I took an introspection and scrutinised my blog site, and I realized that I have been updating you guys about celeville, gossip, fashion trends, twitter headlines, music and book reviews, and most importantly making you guys a part of my blog site through various channels i.e. being interactive (responding to comments), following people back on Twitter/Facebook and giving you opportunities to be famous by uploading people’s pictures through my ‘Facebook Streetstyle Swag’. However, not once have I blogged about me, whatever I felt like sharing I simply updated it on my notice bar.
It is with this scrutiny that I have decided to blog about me for a change and welcome you guys to my world specifically to ‘Aviwe as a person’. I have such an extensive life, teamed up with a bubbly personality so I can go on for days writing about myself and connecting different aspects of my life that do not even correspond together. So, let me begin by telling you about what is happening in my life at moment. Most obviously, I am writing exams like every other student- I am writing three modules this exam to be more precise. This Friday marks my last exam, and I am heading home the next morning- I don’t fool around when it’s holiday time, quite frank I have already packed my luggage four days before…

This is how I felt like this morning… (watch video)

Secondly, I am eager about leaving PE and heading to Mtata to meet my BFF’s but I am also distraught about leaving the ones here. You must think I am dramatic, but I am not-really. It’s just that I won’t be seeing my friends from varsity for the next six months, as I am heading to America.

Yes! I am going to the US to be an exchange student- you probably have noticed that from my notice bar…but hey I am excited about it, don’t mistake this as gloating. On real though, would you blame me if I gloated-I mean going to the US is not like taking a short left to Port St. Johns.

Speaking about US, people have started asking me to buy them stuff, from ‘Brazillian weaves to precious gifts from Great America’…and I’m like: I can’t afford all these in rands, how the hell do you expect me to afford them in ‘dollars’. So, I suggested to them that I will send them my bank details and they’ll simply add their names as reference so I know what amount of money came from whom. This is fair you know, considering that I will be paying for their exportation. Well, none of them saw my reasoning and they ended up saying: Well, we suppose you can buy us anything that you think we might like-we’ve been your friends like for ever-so by now you must know what we like, hence we asked for them just now. But my friends love me though, in an hour  of announcing these great news on facebook, i received 20 likes and 73 comments (checkout my facebook page link) Aviwe Cherry Ndyaluvane       

So, these next coming months I will be under a budget- and I probably won’t have my normal smug when I visit the ATM.

I suppose I should start updating my CV and get a job when I get there-otherwise…I’d be doomed.

Most importantly though this opportunity will deprive me off from experiencing the Road to Mangaug 2012; where the new ANC President will be elected. The three candidates are:

1. The current ANC and RSA President- Jacob Zuma
2. Tokyo Sexwale- Zuma's so-called buddy, but then again as the saying goes "There are no permanent friends and permanent enemies in politics."

3. Deputy President and former Acting RSA President: Kgalema Montlante

However, with modern technology I won’t be at the dark at all. It won’t be the same though. Anyway, I did mention that I intend to connect topics that sometimes don’t match-I mean here I am now writing about politics…with this said, I will end here today. However, I promise to update you guys about my life- I know how it feels like after you read a brilliant novel and when you flip its pages there is little to no information about the author.
Follow me on twitter @Aviwe_N

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