Saturday 27 October 2012

My first snow experience

By; Aviwe Ndyaluvane

This is just one of those random blogs I write, but I'm a child from Tropical South Africa do you blame me for being super excited about it and even blogging about it!? *yes. I didn't think so either* I truly admit seeing snow this Thursday morning was just refreshing and "mind-blowing." I couldn't help but scream when I was starring through my 8th floor window. Initially I stood there because I couldn't find anything in my wardrobe that I could wear; as the sky was extremely grey, it was raining and windy. Oh did I mention I had my English Linguistics semester test that morning... yes!  I could believe it that I was going to step outside in that kind of weather and not only that-but actually write an exam...

So there I was starring through the window oblivious to what was actually happening around me. Honestly, I stood there whining about the bad weather...and before I knew it-water (rain) turned into ice. I was puzzled a bit, because yes, we do get 'Ice-rain" in South Africa two (in summer though). However, this one was rapid and thicker. Suddenly, it hit me..." It's SNOW dummy..."  I couldn't contain my emotions so I tweeted, facebooked , instagramed and flicked :-) .... my assumptions were verified when I saw other fellow students doing the same too.

Of course, I run down the stairs from the 8th floor to the ground floor-just to step on snow, get hit by snow, kissed by snow and everything else. Basically, I broke my "snow-virginity" :-) .
Time flies when you are having fun-because before I knew it, I had to rush to my English lecture hall to write my exam. It went well two. I had my home runs and of course off kicks :-) .
However, the snow wasn't strong enough and by 6pm it has stopped. People say it normally snows in mid-November in Minnesota; "This was just an accident." Either way, I'm glad it happened and I can't wait for mid-November :-) .

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